Physical therapy is a great way to recover from an injury or surgery, but unfortunately, there are cases where it can do more harm than good. It's important to understand the risks and benefits of physical therapy so you can make an informed decision about your care. The expression “without pain there is no gain” may be familiar to you, and while catchy, it can contribute to a harmful mindset. It also causes people to hesitate or stop physical health changes because they are afraid of the discomfort they may feel.
Interestingly, while it means that physical therapy can lead to a traumatic experience, the opposite is true. It's much more likely to worsen injuries and prolong the discomfort and pain you're already feeling if you avoid care at a physical therapy center. One of the most common fears of physical therapy patients is that the therapy will worsen the pain they are already experiencing. Seeing a physical therapist will show you that there are different types of solutions for rehabilitation and that they aren't as horrible as you might think; they're not here to torment you.
A physical therapist can help you start walking as soon as the blood-thinning medication starts to take effect. Physical therapy clinics are a great space to learn ways to strengthen and improve functioning at a steady and safe pace so you can get the most out of physical therapy. The film Restless Creatures4 captures the evaluation and adjustment process provided by physical therapy. The therapist may suggest applying ice to your muscles after therapy to reduce some of the symptoms that may occur.
Physicians and physical therapists create individualized therapy plans to address the needs of each patient. Therapists are trained to pay close attention to you during treatment and will do everything they can to reduce pain. If an approach doesn't produce the results you need, or if something you're doing is causing you pain, your therapist can work with you to modify your regimen. If you don't feel comfortable talking to your physical therapist about discomfort after sessions, you should find another therapist. In addition, a good physical therapist will keep a detailed record of the patient's treatments, progress, and feedback, which will help provide a more accurate picture of the overall progress of the therapy. Physical therapy helps you recover after any type of injury or surgery so you can get back on your feet feeling even better than before.
This is the same type of beneficial discomfort you may experience after a good workout or new physical activity. That's where your physical therapist can help you by developing a treatment and recovery plan that best suits your specific needs and goals. It's important to remember that while physical therapy has its risks, it also has its benefits. With proper guidance from an experienced physical therapist, it can be an effective way to recover from an injury or surgery.